Friday, April 11, 2008

SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2007

May 6, 2007 - UPDATE #2

Just received a call from Wes and Don. They are still at Camp II - around 11,000 feet. Yesterday (Saturday) they climbed back down to 9,200 and retrieved their cache. It was a hard day as they had to climb back up 2,000 feet. Everyone is tired but doing well. They all got a good night's sleep. It snowed three to four feet last night. They also heard an avalanche above them - said it sounded pretty cool! They are not sure what the plan is for today. The team may climb up to 13,000 feet and drop off another cache of gear and then go back down to Camp II for the night. However, the rangers are also at their camp and are watching the snow conditions. Everyone may have to stay in camp today due to the threat of avalanches. Wes said the sun is just starting to peek out. Stay tuned...

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